This Weaks' Hermeneutic
Purpose of This Weaks' Hermeneutic
This Weaks' Hermeneutic includes commentary, reflections, and sermons on the Revised Common Lectionary readings for the week. While these reflections serve as "sermon starters," they are offered for use in your personal spiritual journey, and in honor of the faithful preachers who search each week for a relevant and genuine Word to share with the community of faith. A new reflection is often posted by mid-week for the upcoming Sunday, but between pastoring a church, working on a dissertation, teaching at a nearby university and being a stay-at-home dad a couple days a week, this is not always the case. My wife, Dawn, also occassionally submits a reflection. We are a clergy couple serving two different congregations in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We humbly offer these pages as a means of staying connected with the wider church. If you find This Weaks' Hermeneutic helpful for your spiritual journey, or sermon preparation, we would love to hear from you. May God bless you with grace and peace as you serve, -- Joe Weaks

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